How to use an External VNC Viewer with IGEL UMS – Video

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Watch this IGEL Tech-Tips Tuesday video to learn how to use an external VNC Viewer with IGEL UMS.

In some cases, the internal VNC Viewer that ships with the IGEL UMS is a basic solution for smaller environments. If you wish for a faster, more scalable solution, it is recommended to implement a 3rd party external VNC Viewer solution. In this video, you will learn how to do this! 

Presented by Sebastian Perusat, IGEL Community FELLOW.

In this video, Sebastien will teach you how to:

  • Introduction
  • Choose and download a Viewer
  • Find the startparameter
  • Configure the Console
  • Test the standard VNC
  • Test the secure VNC

Learn more:

Not an IGEL customer? Give it a try, download, and try the IGEL OS Edge OS with IGEL UMS management solution.

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